Introducing…Movie Tuesdays!

Evidently I’ve decided that I’m not busy enough with reading, teaching, exploring the Czech Republic, and being a real human, because I’m starting a new tradition on this blog.

Movie Tuesdays.

I noticed that a lot of the books on this list have movie adaptations made of them. Some of the movies are supposed to be really good, too. So, I’ve decided that every Tuesday I’m going to watch a movie and post about it. Actually, I’ll probably watch the movie on Monday night after I collapse from my busiest teaching day, but hey, you won’t know the difference.

I’ll probably stick to the list, but there’s a chance that I’ll branch out and watch adaptations from books that aren’t on the list. I might also watch book-ish movies (Dead Poets SocietyShakespeare in Love, The Jane Austen Book Club…just kidding about that one. Probably).

So, anyway, welcome to Movie Tuesdays.

We’ll see how this works out.

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